Monday, January 18, 2010

1-31 Script

Joel and Katie,

Here's your script for Jan 31! Have fun with this. Joel, we'll need to get you a Bible costume and Katie, let's see if we can come up with some kind of firefighter or police gear. Let me know if you have and questions!


- Eric

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1-24 Script

Hey Joel and Katie!

Here's your script for 1-24. Joel will be Storyteller (it's really brief because there is a video story this week) and Katie will be Host. Have fun!

- Eric

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1-17 Script

Rachel and Rose,

Here is your script for 1-17!
Penelope Painter is back teaching the second half of "Love God, Love People" by telling the story of Paul's conversion. Have fun and remember that these are some of the most important lessons we can teach our kid! Thanks for all you do and for your dedication in preparing to teach our kids each week!

- E

1-10 Script

Hey Amy and Rose!

Here is your script for Sunday. Amy, you will be Host. Rose, this week and next you will be "Penelope Painter" and will be teaching about the greatest commandment. This week it's all about "Loving God" and next week "Loving Others" Have fun with it and feel free to ham up the script I've given you.

Amy, I'll get the new song up tomorrow!

let me know if you have ?s! thanks guys!

- E