Monday, September 28, 2009

October/November overview for all + Sunday Script

All of October and November we will be studying creation. Each Sunday will be a day of creation and then at the end of November we'll review what we've learned and celebrate creation, just like God did after He was finished! I am really excited about the unit, our curriculum has some great ideas to spring from and I think the kids are going to have a BLAST!

Here is your script for October 4. We have a new song for the month--"God Made Everything." I'll film the instructional video tomorrow and get it posted.

Also, each week has a short little song that will help the kids remember the days of creation. I'll post more info about that as well. Each week we will add to the song and then in the end it will cover all of creation. Our puppet team is working on this, too, so we hope to have a final show by November that will put all the pieces of this song together for our kids.

More soon...


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 27 Script

Here is the script for Sunday, September 27. Rose, I'm still not sure who will be with you...will let you know ASAP!

Have fun!

- Eric

September 20 Script

Here is the script for this Sunday. It's a fun one, so enjoy!

- Eric

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

9-13 Script

Here's the script for Sunday. The video will be the actual story portion, with Pablo and and songs on either end. Thanks!

- Eric

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

9-6 Script

Hey guys! Here is the script for Sunday September 6. Jennifer and Terri will be doing both hours. You can see the schedule above. This is still fluid at this point until I hear back from everyone. Thanks for all you do!

- Eric