Thursday, May 21, 2009

5-24 Script

Hey guys!

Here's this week's script. Thanks and see you Sunday!

- E

Host - Trisha
Suzy Spy - Rose

Host - Rachel
Suzy Spy - Sally

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

God Love You and Me - New Song Lyrics!

Here's our latest song in Kerplunk!

Check it out and get ready to get down for Jesus.

Good times!

- E

5/13 Update - Motions videos are up on the side! Check them out!

5-17 Script

Hey team!

Sunday's story is a continuation of the story of Elijah last week. Since Chef Linguine (aka Eric and Terri) started the story last week, they have both agreed to finish it up this week.

Other cast is:

Host - Carol
Worship Leader - Camille
Linguine - Eric

Host - Sally
Worship Leader - Rachel
Linguine - Terri

Thanks! See you guys Sunday. Let me know if you have any ?s!

- E

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5-10 Script

Hey hey! May is already fast fleeting! Happy mother's day to all of you Mommys out there! Here's the script for Sunday. The Story is about ELijah and the ravens. Chef Linguine will be teaching. I wrote in an "Italian accent" but you don't HAVE to do it if you can't or don't want to. I have the apron and hat for Linguine. I'll have the food, too. You can plan on actually eating there if you want. My treat to you guys.

Call me with questions or email.

See ya soon!

- E

9 am
Host - Trisha
Linguine - Rose

Host - Jennifer
Linguine - Terri